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English is vital for success in all subjects as well as in adult life. Through the study of English, we enable our students to read, write, speak and listen appropriately and effectively. Reading a wide range of literature allows our students to view and appreciate issues, lifestyles and cultures, past and present, through stories, plays and poems. 

How do we ensure academic rigour in our English curriculum?

  • Our students have the opportunity to study a wide and diverse range of literary and non-literary texts
  • Our students are explicitly taught vocabulary to empower them to express themselves precisely as well as to become confident readers of more challenging texts.
  • Our students are taught to make links between the texts they study and the effect that time and place have upon the purpose and meaning of what they read.

How do we nurture and develop our students through our English curriculum?

  • Spoken and written communication is vital for adult life. Students have many opportunities to learn, practise and improve their communication skills in preparation for their future.
  • Reading a diverse range of literature allows our students to broaden and challenge viewpoints, appreciating issues and challenges others may face.  
  • Becoming a critical thinker, able to put forward reasoned viewpoints and feelings, will help our students lead a more productive and healthy life.

How do we promote social action and courageous advocacy through our English curriculum?

  • English allows students to appreciate and explore the differences and similarities between people’s views, its societies and cultures, and helps them to understand how they can contribute to making a better world.
  • Students have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate important issues, such as inequality, relationships, war and poverty.  
  • By studying a range of texts, students are able to recognise injustice and inequality and are equipped to challenge it.  
  • English opens doors to cultural experience and voices beyond the lived reality of our students, thus empowering their thinking.