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Information for new pupils 2024

Transition Days

Our Transition Days will be held on 28th and 29th August.

Our Welcome Evening will be on 8th July, 5:30pm-6:30pm

Welcome Meeting Reminder New Year 7 Parents

Compulsory Equipment

All students should have the following equipment:

  • 2 black pens
  • 1 green pen
  • 1 pencil
  • 1 rubber
  • 1 ruler
  • 1 glue stick
  • 1 highlighter
  • 1 scientific calculator (either Casio FX-83GT or Aurora AX-595TV)
  • 1 Whiteboard
  • 1Whiteboard Pen

A whiteboard and pen will be provided for each student at the beginning of an academic year, replacements will be available to purchase in school if needed.


What lessons will I attend?

You will have 30 lessons per week

  • Art
  • Computing
  • Drama
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Languages
  • Maths
  • Music
  • PE
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Technology



The following uniform must be worn by all students:

• Royal blue blazer with school badge on top pocket.
• Light blue shirt or blouse tucked in.
• Year group tie - Green
• Optional grey V neck sweaters with the school badge are available from the stockists.
• Plain mid-grey trousers for boys and either plain mid-grey skirt or trousers for girls.
• Plain white, plain mid-grey or plain black tight or socks. No patterned tights are allowed.

Please note: Standard trousers and skirts with the school logo for the girls are compulsory. Skirts must be an appropriate length.

 The shoes pictured fall into a grey area between acceptable shoes and the ones that are not acceptable. We understand the challenge parents face in wanting purchase a shoe that meets with the school dress code, managing teenage and preteen expectations and that are comfortable and fit for purpose.

We have tried to help you by producing this visual guide.

Students who arrive in the incorrect footwear will be provided with alternative school pumps to wear for the day.

Ordering Uniform

For further details including how to purchase uniform please see the Uniform page.

Timings of the School Day

Time Activity
8.30 Morning Bell

8.35- 9.25
50 minutes

Lesson 1

50 minutes

Lesson 2

25 mins


50 minutes

Lesson 3

50 minutes

Lesson 4

25 minutes

Lunch: Years 7 and 8
Form Tutor Time: Years 9, 10 and 11

25 minutes

Lunch: Years 9, 10 and 11
Form Tutor Time: Years 7 and 8

50 minutes

Lesson 5

50 minutes

Lesson 6

ScoPay Online Payments

ScoPay will allow you to make payments onto your child's lunch account using the Internet via the ScoPay website or the ScoPay mobile app. For more information check out the ScoPay - Online Payments page.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I get lost?

Check your map, speak to an older pupil or go to Student Support in K block.

If I am late to school?

If you are very late, you must report to Reception to sign in. You will be required to attend a detention.

If I feel ill?

Tell the teacher that you are with at the time. If it is break or lunch, go to Student Support. You must NOT go home without going to Student Support first.

If I am having personal problems?

Talk to your form teacher or any member of staff with whom you feel comfortable. Go to Student Support at break, lunch or after school. Look at the ‘Here to Help’ board in your form room.

If I am finding the work too difficult?

Go to see your teacher before or after the lesson and explain your concerns. Do not suffer in silence, we are here to help you. Alternatively speak with your Form Tutor or Head of Year.

There are many adults in school who can help you. You can speak to your Teachers, Form Tutors, Head of Year or Student Support.

To do:

  • Send your contact details to
  • Note the important dates at the top of this page.
  • Complete the 'Important information about your child' that has been sent to you by email.